Sunday, March 16, 2008

to Hide Behind A Smile

Have you ever felt this panic in your chest?
Making it so damn painful to breathe
Just wanting to crawl up in a dark corner
When the world's too big, indeed

Wanting to hide from your problems
You don't need friends anyway
So much better off alone
Since you'd only scare them away

With your depression and your hurt
All this mess you live in
The darkness you've become
And all the sorrow hiding under your skin

Have you ever felt alone?
Wishing there was someone beside
Someone strong enough to hold you together
That you'd never push aside

Since this is what you do
When someone gets too close
You tried to figure why but
You keep tipping on your toes

Not letting them see
What's underneath these eyes
The tears at night and the constant hurt
Since you wear this disguise

Not giving those who care a reason
For why you'd turn reserved and hostile
When joy is too hard to fake
When you can't hide behind a smile


Anonymous said...

i have no idea even what this website is but i absoultely love this. it describes my life perfectly at the moment.

the problem is i dont know how to get help.
i mean i do i just dont know how to tell my parents. with what words?

Anonymous said...

varfor inte:)