Monday, July 11, 2011


We cannot erase what has been
Even when we're downed
Time will forever win
When misfortune would surround
To make you stick around

Impossible to replace
What you don't want to see
To learn to truly face
Our bound reality
And the one you came to be

I want to have my own hideaway
Where I can bloom
Where I can calmly stay
There no one could resume
What I want to entomb


It's like there's someone's blowing my
In directions I have yet explored

But I don't think
I want to regard this

There is no change of the past,
nothing I can do
It happened

I don't think
I want to remember

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

It Happened

"There's no pride in conveying"
She shut her eyelids hard
"As I was saying,
You have to stay on your guard"
Her voice seemed barred

I watched her walking on
Like she had no past
Seeing future in the dawn
Yet I knew, her misery was vast
Her secrets would outlast

I watched her being torn
I saw her in fright
We all lived with the same scorn
But she was too young to stay upright
Too frail to not get stained by the spite

She laughs all the time
No one around her could tell
When the guilt would climb
To have her dwell
In her memories of hell

"There's no point in talking
About what has been"
I watch her, still walking
With her hurt shut within
A facade worn like skin

Monday, July 04, 2011


I know of nothing
But buttons in elevators
They have no numbers
No levels to reach

There is nowhere to go
No past and no beginning
I know of nothing
But the blank buttons

And suddenly she'd scream
To no one, she'd scream
Begging them to stop
Stop going nowhere

And I think she filled her pockets
With broken bricks
To unite with gravitation
I think she wanted purpose

We're floating above her
Intoxicated with buttons
We're pushing nothing
To go nowhere

Friday, July 01, 2011


He was staring at the scenery
Sick of being overthrown
Tired of feeling guilty
For emotions, to others unknown

There was a part of him whispering
Longing to be free
Let out from his shadowy place
Where he cannot really see

There was not lacking love
But endurance was running out
He was unsure, uncertain
What importance was about

Smiled and kept his mouth shut
Ashamed of feelings wrong
Secretly, wanting to be released
But silence prolonged