Wednesday, February 01, 2012


A handful of bittersweet down my throat
A vaguely sweet flavour for a bitter cause
To proceed ahead - I'll force open my jaws
Reason conquers, emotions way too remote
For sense made the better draw

My heart disconcertingly lingers in the past
To face the day, I force my eyes open wide
I want to be caught, I want to be untied
Yet I resist - inside, all memories massed
Today and yesteryears, they collide

I guess I recieved the clouds I deserved
For I misread the substantial similarity
So I absorb this bitter kind of clarity
To keep the core of my courage preserved;
I will always try to pursue verity

1 comment:

Kukogho Iruesiri Samson said...

Now, this is what i'm talking about... You can open yourself up and shut down the emotions...this is good,...very.