Friday, March 18, 2011

Nightmares in Daylight

I'm still wandering the same damn path
as I've brooded on for too many days
and hours and years.
And I just came to realize that my flesh
has turned inside and out, so now my
internal organs are external organs and
the core is just nothing but skin.
Nothing but scar tissue.

I've been thinking about living and what
will happen when I'm there again. With
vitality streaming from my eyes once more.
But the hopes are sucking me back.
There's not much over for dreaming just
right now, since I'm still hurting too many
seconds each minute, too many minutes
each day.
And the other way around.

Have a look at my face, can you see it,
right there. The grooves on my face from
the tears I've cried and also the ones I
never could let out.
Why don't you say anything, you must see
them, the nightmares following me
wherever I go. Always one step behind,
whenever I turn around.
Why don't you save me?

My heart is beating way too quick now
and my face is vibrating,
my brain is
turning hot
and I cannot think because
my entire body is pounding.

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