Sunday, January 30, 2011

I am Revolting

So what if I would
Crash down in the mud
That I just threw up
Full of regret and shame
From squeezing out
The final drops of energy
I could spare

How am I to breathe again
Without my ribs piercing
My soul, my lung, my skin
Without my body crumbling
Without every step hurting
Like walking on broken glass
Spilled by me

And I lie, I lie, I'm a liar
I keep talking with perfect words
To hide the darker core
Rotten and revolting
My deepest shame is hidden
In between the lines
Inside of me

1 comment:

Kukogho Iruesiri Samson said...

The last three lines and the first few of these poem are just as sharp as the point of an Indian arrow...Very deep